marți, 28 decembrie 2010

Coaching vs. Mentoring

Coach, Mentor: E vreo diferenta?

Tabel 1: Diferentele dintre Mentoring si Coaching

Focus Individ Performanta
Rol Facilitator fara agenda Agenda specifica
Relatie Self selecting Comes with the job
Source of influence Perceived value Position
Personal returns Affirmation/learning Teamwork/performance
Arena Life Task related
Mentors in either a formal mentoring program or informal relationship focus on the person, their career and support for individual growth and maturity while the coach is job-focused and performance oriented.

"A mentor is like a sounding board, they can give advice but the partners is free to pick and choose what they do. The context does not have specific performance objectives. A coach is trying to direct a person to some end result, the person may choose how to get there, but the coach is strategically assessing and monitoring the progress and giving advice for effectiveness and efficiency."
"Mentoring is biased in your favor. Coaching is impartial, focused on improvement in behavior."
In summary, the mentor has a deep personal interest, personally involved—a friend who cares about you and your long term development. The coach develops specific skills for the task, challenges and performance expectations at work.
Mentoring is a power free, two-way mutually beneficial relationship. Mentors are facilitators and teachers allowing the partners to discover their own direction.

"They let me struggle so I could learn."
"Never provided solutions—always asking questions to surface my own thinking and let me find my own solutions."
A coach has a set agenda to reinforce or change skills and behaviors. The coach has an objective/goals for each discussion. In our study, the top four words chosen to best describe their mentor’s dominant style were—friend/confidant, direct, logical, questioner.
Even in formal mentoring programs the partners and mentor have choices—to continue, how long, how often, and our focus. Self-selection is the rule in informal mentoring relationships with the partners initiating and actively maintaining the relationship. If I’m you mentor, you probably picked me. In an organization your coach hired you. Coaching comes with the job, a job expectation, in some organizations a defined competency for managers and leaders.
Source of influence
The interpersonal skills will determine the effectiveness of influence for both coach and mentor. The coach also has an implied or actual level of authority by nature of their position, ultimately they can insist on compliance. A mentor’s influence is proportionate to the perceive value they can bring to the relationship. It is a power free relationship based on mutual respect and value for both mentor and partners. Your job description might contain "coach" or you might even have that job title—it’s just a label or expectation. "Mentor" is a reputation that has to be personally earned, you are not a mentor until the partners says you are.
The coach’s returns are in the form of more team harmony, and job performance. The mentoring relationship is reciprocal. There is a learning process for the mentor from the feedback and insights of the partners.

"The ability to look at situations from a different perspective, I am a Generation X and he is in his 60’s."
The relationship is a vehicle to affirm the value of and satisfaction from fulfilling a role as helper and developer of others. Mentors need not be an all-knowing expert—such a position could be detrimental. In our study the most significant thing the mentor did was "listened and understood me" and, "built my confidence and trust in myself, empowered me to see what I could do."
A great deal of informal mentoring is occurring, with at risk youth, in our schools, as well as in volunteer, not for profit and for profit organizations. If I am your mentor chances are you have chosen me to be of help with some aspect of your life. Coaching even in the sporting arena is task related—improvement of knowledge, skills or abilities to better perform a given task. Mentors are sought for broader life and career issues. The partners is proactive in seeking out mentors and keeping the relationship productive. The coach crates the need for discussion and is responsible for follow up and holding others accountable.
Coaching and Mentoring are not the same thing. Our results and experience support the conclusion that mentoring is a power free, two-way mutually beneficial learning situation where the mentor provides advice, shares knowledge and experiences, and teaches using a low pressure, self-discovery approach. Teaching using an adult learning versus teacher to student model and, being willing to not just question for self discovery but also freely sharing their own experiences and skills with the partners. The mentor is both a source of information/knowledge and a Socratic questioner. If I am your coach you probably work for me and my concern is your performance, ability to adapt to change, and enrolling you support in the vision/direction for our work unit.
If there is still doubt in your mind visualize how the conversation and relationship would be different if your manager scheduled a coaching discussion at 2:00 this afternoon to discuss your roles, responsibilities and expectations, versus if you called your mentor to discuss some things that you have been thinking about.

Articole coaching

"Professional Workplace Coaching" - produs exclusiv Noble Manhattan

luni, 27 decembrie 2010

Beneficiile coaching-ului


What are the benefits of coaching?
Although the benefits of coaching are obvious for some, many continue to ask the question “what will I get out of it?” In simple terms, the answer to these questions involves referring back to the first stage of coaching which is goal setting. From a coach’s perspective, the outcomes we help clients work towards vary considerably. So as long as you’re realistic, you can get what ever you want out of coaching. Generally, however, some of the more common gains made during coaching include an increased sense of control; enhanced happiness; improved productivity; better work-life balance; improved relationships; greater positivity; and a clearer sense of life (and career) purpose and direction.
How does coaching work?
After “what’s in it for me?” the next most common question is “how does it work?” Coaching works in different ways for different people and a good coach varies what he (or she) does with each and every individual. Generally, however, the process involves meeting on a regular basis, usually weekly to begin with, and then fortnightly or monthly. During this process, the aim is to (1) generate realistic and achievable goals, (2) develop an action plan, and then
(3) to monitor progress and to ensure you remain focused on and moving towards achieving the predetermined goals. These meetings may be supplemented with phone calls or emails.
They often take place in the coach’s offices, but can be conducted in your workplace if that is more convenient.
Notably, the role of a coach is not necessarily to tell you what to do but rather, to collaborate with you to explore appropriate options, working towards developing an appropriate array of skills and strategies that will help you make the cognitive and behavioural changes needed to achieve your goals. If your goals are very specific this might take little more than 5-6 sessions. If, however, the goals are more significant or general, then the process might extend
over 3, 6 or even 12 months.
How do I find a good Coach?
Choosing a coach is like choosing a work colleague. You need to make sure that they have the right qualifications and experience and whether you feel comfortable with them. Whether or not you feel comfortable with a coach is obviously a personal decision, and one that can really only be made after you have met with a prospective “candidate”.
At The Happiness Institute, our coaches are all experienced, tertiary qualified and up to date on the latest research, strategies and findings in positive psychology. We are a member of the International Coaches Federation. We’ve worked with thousands of individuals and many organisations such as Ernst & Young, IBM and Deacons.

Gerard O'Donovan - presedintele ECI (European Coaching Institute)

I’m Gerard O’Donovan (, founder and CEO of Noble-Manhattan, Inc., the U.K.’s premier and longest established professional coaching and coach training organization.
Have you ever wished you could perform better…enjoy life more…get more out of your relationships…?
Are you aching to coax out the “superstar” inside you?
Then you won’t want to miss this information.
During my earlier years in the Royal Marines, and later as a financial advisor, I was privileged to uncover incredible strategies and techniques for achieving professional and personal fulfillment. Seventeen years ago, Noble-Manhattan, Inc. was born and, since then, we have helped more than ten thousand individuals learn how to achieve their own sense of harmony, balance and success in life and work.
As recently as ten years ago, the idea of coaching was dismissed as unnecessary. Today, the stress of our digital world and the nature of global business has turned coaching into a multi-million dollar enterprise, taken very seriously by some of the world’s most influential corporations.
What skills can you learn or improve upon with professional coaching?
  • Managing your stress
  • Doing more with your time
  • Evaluating your abilities
  • Setting goals
  • Accomplishing achievements
  • Learning effectively
  • Enjoying long term benefits
  • Achieving higher productivity at lower costs
  • Benefitting better interpersonal relations
  • Participating in more effective team work
  • Becoming a more efficient manager
  • Understanding appropriate problem-solving
  • Improving your marketing skills
  • Creating more professional, friendlier public relations
As CEO of Noble-Manhattan, Inc. I have had the unique opportunity to demonstrate these penetrating insights and practical wisdom through various world speaking engagements, where many have shown intense interest in understanding their roles in business development, corporate management and interpersonal communications.  My continuous goal is to take these theories out of the textbook and apply them in a practical way, using examples from real-life experience, combined with progressive educational materials, to offer clients a well-rounded approach to achieving their goals and dreams.

Publications by Gerard O’Donovan

Gerard has co-author of  ‘The Thirty Minute Life Coach‘, fascinating and entertaining insights into the world of life coaching in Britain.
He has also co-author of  ‘Good Question!’, the ultimate book of life-enhancing coaching questions.
Author of the highly acclaimed Life Design Programme, incorporating the following courses and audio tape series:
  • Goal Achievement
  • Time Management
  • Accelerated Learning
  • Directing the Subconscious to Achieve Success
  • Positive Attitude – A Way of Life
  • Creating Unlimited Wealth
  • The Need for a Mentor
  • Dynamic Communication and Presentation Skills
  • Ten Natural Laws of Success and Achievement

At Noble-Manhattan Inc., our motto is “Fortune Favours the Prepared Mind”. When we work closely with you, our mission is ultra-simple – to guide you on your quest to live your best life.
If you feel stuck, disorganized, unfulfilled or overwhelmed…
…please e-mail me for more information at:

Noble Manhattan - o importanta scoala de coaching din UK

Asta inseamna ca avem ca obiectiv promovarea coachingului la companiile importante si furnizarea de astfel de servicii. In acest sens, iti trimit cateva materiale despre compania de coaching Noble Manhatatan  condusa de Gerard O'Donovan(, presedintele al European Coaching Institute (ECI).

Sistemul de executive si business coaching promovat de noi este destinat maximizarii cresterii business-ului, a cresterii profitului si a optimizarii valorii actiunilor.

Coaching-ul presupune să atingi potenţialul maxim de dezvoltare ghidat de către acea persoană care te va provoca, te va stimula şi te va însoţi în acest proces de continuă creştere.” -    Gerard O’Donovan
Coaching-ul – eficienţă managerială şi dezvoltare personală
Pentru că este un excelent set de tehnici şi instrumente practice prin care putem creşte propriile performanţele profesionale, dar şi ale echipei în care lucrăm.
Pentru că ne dezvoltă la nivel personal, oferindu-ne direcţia şi motivaţia necesare pentru atingerea scopurilor dorite.

Coaching-ul – răspuns la provocările actuale
Pentru că, odată asimilat, coaching-ul devine un mod de viaţă flexibil şi adaptabil care va susţine deciziile şi soluţiile optime în orice context.

·         Ce este un Executive Coach? Ce face acesta?
·         Beneficiile aplicării abilităţilor de Coaching, în plan personal şi la locul de muncă
·         Învaţă despre pilonii coachingului
·         Învaţă cum să-ţi construieşti baza de clienţi
·         În ce constă pregatirea pentru a deveni coach?
·         Cum poate fi coaching-ul o resursă valoroasă pentru activitatea managerială?
·         Coaching-ul - un instrument de optimizare personală?
·         Cum se poate construi o afacere în coaching?
·         Care sunt standardele şi certificările în domeniu?
Printre cei mai cunoscuti clienti ai companiei, la nivel mondial, se regasesc: Pepsi, IBM, BP, Google, Yahoo, Siemens, Airbus, Nikken, Tata (India), precum si diferite companii de asigurari, consultanta, publicitate, banci, diversi presedinti, manageri ai unor companii din diferite domenii.

Gerard O'Donovan este fondator al Noble Manhattan Coaching, una dintre cele mai vechi şi prestigioase scoli de coaching din Europa, şi preşedinte al European Coaching Institute (ECI).
Metodele sale de coaching presupun o abordare empatică şi spirituală, concentrată pe nevoile personale şi pe valorificarea oportunităţilor particulare ale fiecăruia dintre noi. 


Noble Manhattan

Programele Noble Manhattan Coaching au fost urmate de peste 4500 de coachi din intreaga lume.
Noble Manhattan Coaching este singura companie premiata cu cea mai importanta acreditare pentru coachi din Europa.
Oferta de cursuri Noble Manhattan se potriveste fiecarei nevoi individuale sau necesitatilor unei companii.
Programul “Practitioner Coach Diploma” este acreditat de Europen Coaching Institute (ECI).
Misiunea Noble Manhattan este:
  • – sa ajute persoanele in identificarea resurselor ascunse si eliberarea la potentialul lor maxim, astfel incat persoana respectiva sa-si indeplineasca toate dorintele din punct de vedere emotional, profesional si financiar.
  • – sa-i ghideze in a descoperi calea pe care vor sa o urmeze si obiectivele pe care vor sa le atinga, apoi sa le completeze cu abilitatile, cunostintele si instrumentele pentru a le realiza.
Fondatorul companiei de life si corporate coaching Noble Manhattan este Gerard O’Donovan, unul dintre life coach-ii de prima mana din Europa.
In cariera sa a pregatit mii de coachi, iar acum se concentreaza asupra activitatii de corporate si business coaching pentru Directori, CEO, Presedinti si executive din mari corporatii.
Programul sau unic de coaching este destinat maximizarii cresterii business-ului, a cresterii profitului si a optimizarii valorii actiunilor.
Coaching-ul va va permite atingerea unui echilibru work/life si stabilirea unor obiective masurabile de atins. Metodele lui Gerard sunt ferme dar eficiente si implica o abordare empatica si spirituala, focusata pe nevoile personale ale fiecaruia.